Brief History of Koenji Hikawa Shrine
According to Edo meisho ezu (Guide of famous Edo sites), A person who is called "Murata" stayed in Koenji village during Ohshu Seibatsu (Ohshu conquest) by Minamotono Yoritomo (First General in Kamakura era).
According to shrine's tradition, an emissary from headquarter of Hikawa Shrine in Musasino-Kuni (Saitama pref, Omiya city) informed godly messeage and ordered to found shrine in Koenji village due to highland location with beautiful scenery.
Although Koenji Hikawa shrine building was burned down during World War Ⅱ, current Koenji Hikawa shrine building was finally reconstructed in 1974.Thanks to guadian deity of Koenji Hikawa shrine, we live a peaceful and healthful life.
(God of worship in Koenji Hikawa Shrine)
Koenji Hikawa Shrine
(picture of reconstructed in 1974)